Benefits of Ballet Training

Benefits of Ballet Training


You might be wondering why you or your child might pursue ballet if you don’t have any aspirations to become a professional dancer. Ballet training is about more than “making it big” in the dance world. In fact, most children who take ballet classes when they’re younger don’t end up becoming professional ballet dancers. Should this discourage you from enrolling your child in ballet? Absolutely not. Learning an art form, especially one as technically challenging and mentally engaging as ballet, is one of the most beneficial activities a child can do at a young age. Ballet gives children (and adults!) transferrable skills of dedication, perseverance, and strength that they can carry with them for the rest of their lives.

Not everyone wants to become a professional ballet dancer, but everyone can benefit in some way from the art of ballet.

  • Increases physical strength

Ballet dancers are a vision of strength and beauty. Even though they make even the most complex turns and jumps look effortless, ballet requires an athleticism beyond most people’s imaginations. Ballet is a fantastic, intensive physical training that will whip your body into tip top shape. Taking care of your body is the first step in establishing healthy habits and an appreciation for movement that your child can carry to adulthood.

  • Teaches resilience

Learning ballet requires dedication to the practice and the ability to push through challenges. Children who participate in any art form are more well prepared for the difficult situations in their life, because they consistently engage in a difficult activity in their spare time. It’s never to early to introduce the concepts of resilience to your child, so you can be sure they are prepared for whatever challenges come their way.

  • Serves as a creative outlet

Participating in a creative art form can act as an outlet for self-expression and creativity that may be lacking in other parts of your life. Dancing can even be therapeutic, giving you a safe place to express your emotions in a healthy and positive way.

  • Has cognitive benefits

Ballet is not only a physical activity, it is also a mental one. The art form weaves together movement, music, and performance, which improves a child’s sensory awareness, memory, and learning abilities. These are skills that can be transferred to any part of their life and will supplement their educational learning.

  • Helps aquire supportive communication skills

The ballet community is usually fairly small and tight-knit, full of aspiring and encouraging dancers. While TV and movies want to make the ballet community appear cutthroat and competitive, you’ll find the real community is committed to cultivating teamwork. Ballet performances would not be possible if dancers did not learn how to work with each other and support each other, on and off the stage. Ballet is the perfect place to cultivate lasting friendships and mentorships.

  • Builds confidence

Acing an audition or mastering a new move has the ability to majorly boost confidence in children, which can spill over to other areas of their life. Learning a craft is something to take pride in and has the effect of increasing self-esteem in participants. Additionally, performing in front of others and sharing a passion for the art form with the world exposes children to new and potentially frightening situations that they will ultimately tackle with ease. Overcoming stage fright early on will lead to greater confidence and courage in later years.

This list is not in any way a comprehensive list of all the benefits of learning ballet. You or your child will also learn the ins and outs of non-verbal communication and gain stellar posture, strength, and confidence, all while finding enjoyment in a hobby that gets you off the couch and away from the TV.

Need any more convincing? Come visit our studio today and learn more about what ballet can mean for you or your child.
